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Hello Ohio Clubwomen,


I am deeply humbled and privileged to represent Ohio as the

2024 - 2026 GFWC Ohio Director of Juniors. My vision for

this administration is growth. Growing a brighter tomorrow in our clubs with bringing in new members and growing leadership; inspiring our club women to step outside of their comfort zone, empowering them to take the lead on projects, committees, energizing members to step into leadership roles even as they are relatively newer to GFWC by empowering change, we are stronger together.


My Theme is “Empowering Change - Stronger Together.”  My pin displays the sunflower and many hearts coming together as one.


Sunflowers carry a deep symbolic meaning, symbols of warmth, positivity, hope, and additionally symbols of growth and resilience. They encourage us to embrace change, adapt to new situations and continue to grow and evolve.


The hearts represent passion, kindness, love, the human heart, sounding the beat, of that volunteer spirit. Do you feel the similarities...? My Junior Director Special Emphasis; will be focused around children. I encourage clubs to work with your local Law Enforcement and Foster Care Agencies to learn how you could support them and these children.


What do they need?


Project ideas could be any project that would provide a sense of security for children in Foster Care or, as they are being removed from a home, by law enforcement, collaborating together -stronger together - finding ways to make a difference, giving kindness, love and comfort to these kids.


This moves onto my special project, which is giving these children “Comfort Bags” ~ kindness bags, making or customizing bags, for a child, for carrying their own clothes or creating overnight bags with a blanket, hygiene items, and snacks for the older children. For younger children, these bags could include a stuffed animal, coloring books, and fidget toys. I recently spoke with a social worker to learn about what they do and how they affect these children within their cases. This particular social worker transports children from all over –court to foster home, foster home to court, from one home to another, taking them to get physicals, assessments, etc. These impressionable children often live out of a bag, they have nothing, just their clothes. This heavily weighed on my mind. My reaction was – how can I help, what can I do?


My Federation Sisters, empowering change - stronger together! If we are able to help just one child find hope, have a dream, a positive impact – that is one more than before. The projects can vary depending on the needs of the community, Law Enforcement and Foster Agencies. Perhaps it is raising funds to help renovate or provide items for a “Safe Zone” room. Your club could plan these projects during Advocates for Children week. Be creative. Be someone’s strength – Be someone’s inspiration – Be someone’s reason to never give up.


I am looking forward to working with all of you wonderful ladies throughout the State during my administration. I have big shoes to fill, and I am determined to not let you ladies down as we are ~ one powerful team -Empowering Change-Stronger Together.

In Federation Friendship & Love,


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Empowering Change - Stronger Together

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