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Legislation, Public Policy, and Resolutions

State Chairman/Junior Chairman

Mary Witkowski  


District Chairmen

Lake Erie District: N/A
Northeast District: Mary Witkowski
Sutheast District: N/A


GFWC and GFWC Ohio are nonpartisan organizations, however, we as members are encouraged to participate in issue awareness and nonpartisan panels. We have the opportunity to make an impact on public policy by encouraging civic participation. It is important that members understand the process of how a bill becomes a law and the part citizens play in the process. We continue to establish our GFWC Ohio brand with the members of the United States and State Legislatures by the Recognize the Red campaign. When writing to your State and National legislators about a bill, express your opinion, sign your name and your GFWC affiliation in RED ink.  You are also encouraged to use the GFWC logo whenever possible.



            Encourage members to research to become informed & involved.

            Invite elected officials to discuss current issues.

            Hold letter-writing sessions after a club meeting and Sign in RED.

            Make appointments with legislators to discuss legislative priorities.

            Hold a Legislation Day



            Become familiar with the public policies of GFWC, by checking

            Participate in issue-awareness programs & nonpartisan issues in your community.

            Create club programs to learn the functions of all levels of government & elected 


            Distribute a directory of public officials & their contact information.

            Educate club members on the legislative process (e.g. how a bill becomes a law).

            Educate club members about the GFWC resolutions that are part of the CSP's.



            GFWC Manual: under "Public Policy" - Subscribe to GFWC News and Notes

                and GFWC Clubwoman Magazine.

            OHIO.GOV: Ohio's portal to state agencies & voter information.

            USA.GOV: is the government's official portal to government agencies.

            US SENATE:


            LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: (provides information about all pending

                federal legislation



  • Resolutions are a tool for advocating important issues at local, state and national levels.

  • Resolutions, upon adoption, become an integral part of the policies of GFWC Ohio and its members. If a subject is not addressed by a resolution, members cannot use GFWC's or GFWC Ohio's support to advocate for or against an issue.



  • The subject matter of all resolutions shall be germane to the interests or work of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs and its parent organization.

  • Specific methods of implementation shall be outlined in the resolutions when appropriate.

  • The GFWC Ohio President, Areas of Community Service, and Standing & Special Committee Chairmen to whose work it is germane and the membership shall be responsible for carrying out the intent of the resolutions and policies.

  • The Legislation, Public Policy and Resolutions committee shall review all resolutions, including emergency resolutions, before presentation to the Board of Directors or convention.

  • Any proposed resolution presented to the committee which is not recommended by the committee may be presented as a motion to the convention body as a matter of new business except motions to rescind which shall be included in the Call to Convention to provide proper notice to the membership.

  • Resolutions may be presented by the GFWC Ohio Board of Directors, Area of Community Service or committee chairman in accordance with their programs of work, the Legislation, Public Policy and Resolutions committee and any per capita club in good standing.

  • Resolutions submitted shall be accompanied by supporting documents and shall be submitted no later than November 15th to the GFWC Ohio Chairman.

  • Except for emergency resolutions and resolutions originating under new business, all resolutions to be presented shall be incorporated into the Call to Convention.

  • Emergency resolutions are those whose subject matter has arisen since the preparation of the Call.

  • Emergency resolutions may be presented only by those eligible to present resolutions and must be reviewed by the committee and the Board of Directors prior to presentation to the convention body.

  • All resolutions which have been in force for four years shall automatically be reviewed by the committee for timeliness, change of opinion, etc.

  • Resolutions shall be in force until rescinded by the delegate body.

  • The committee shall give notice of those resolutions to be rescinded, amended or remain unchanged in the Call to Convention.


Resolutions must be typed and submitted in the following manner:

Title - provides the subject, Whereas - provides the statement of facts, Resolved - state position and suggested action.




             Relevant Resolutions 

Whereas, The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs encourages members to be advocates in action; and

Whereas, Legislative positions taken by GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs must be based on consensus of the members; therefore

Resolved, That the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs actively encourage its member clubs to submit relevant resolutions for consideration by the membership.

            Submitted by:

            Member's name, Club, District



  • Member/Club becomes aware of an issue of state, national or international importance.

  • Member/Club formulates a resolution and has club approval for presentation.

  • The Member/Club submits the resolution along with supporting materials to the GFWC Ohio Legislation, Public Policy and Resolutions Committee Chairman postmarked no later than November 15, 2024 or 2025.

  • The committee reviews the resolution for proper form and germaneness.

  • The committee may then submit the resolution for approval to the GFWC Ohio Board of Directors.

  • If it is accepted it then appears in the Call to Convention issue of The Buckeye Magazine.

  • It will then be read and voted upon at convention.

  • Members throughout the state may then review the proposals and share their opinions and information with the delegates who will attend the convention.

  • If the resolution is adopted and action is recommended appropriate officers, committees and club members shall implement that action.

  • If the resolution is national or international in scope, it may be submitted to the GFWC Resolutions committee for consideration.

  • If accepted there, it may be presented at an International Convention of GFWC for a vote.

  • If adopted, it becomes part of the policy of GFWC and any recommended action shall be implemented.

  • Any resolution adopted at state or national level will automatically be reviewed every four years, possibly be presented for action, and will remain in effect until its purpose is completed at which time it will be recommended to be rescinded.

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